VisiTing People on Aidilfitri Almubarak with cousins

Hua2x...1st of all of course. It have been a very long time ago since my last update. Got too many commitment to be attend. Feeling ill for sure, but (sighing) do I have any other choice? Works and jobs come to me as if it will never end. Weird. But thanks God that we're given the holidays. I love these 8 letters word. I'd mention about it too before. haha...Never ever I going to be free like this if there are no holidays.
Okay, yesterday afternoon i went to accompany my parent and Rev to visit people 'raya'. All were my father's staff at school. Teachers and worker. Boring. Why? because as a child of a teacher, I am bored hearing about their stories at school. Can you even give me a break? I can't breath!Well, but again do I have other choice? no need to argue huh? Just go and be an obedient son...[; The rained and we get stuck in one of the house for too long, funny isn't? But coincidentally, we met my cousin together with his wife going to my father staff house too. A little bit of shock but then I learned that the brother of my father's staff is his friend. A very close friend. I'm thinking, how small is our world. Everyone is actually connected. Weird isn't?
Then later that evening, Rev and me went to accompany our cousins, Gary, Jess and Tini to visit their friend. The first house, shocked, all people seem to know everyone. Connected to everyone. WEIRD! I'm scared to think about it. Our world surely was very small. haha...I know the makcik son, he's my senior. But his sister is Jess friend. Got same place study largh, etc...But, the visiting-house this year was quite good. Adventure. There was a house that we went. It's a kind of creepy. Really, no kidding. An then one thing happen and i still think that it's funny. The owner of the house, jess's friend told us. "There are 4 rooms up stair, but all of us don't sleep there. It's empty". In that condition, will you be smiling? It's weird! Telling other people about them. I wondered, why was she so honest and so telling-things especially to us. If she told them only to her friend, it would be very urm....normal. But this? Really a kind of weird friend of Jess. But it was an experience. A very new indeed. When we go back to our car, I looked up to the second floor. Know what? The light were switched on. The door on the balcony was wide opened. I wondered, why did they open them? While they don't use the room? Again, it was very weird.
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