can you tell why do the time pass so fast?


well...been busy for days already...haha..can't tell you how hard i had been enduring the days... but at least i enjoyed them...

today, i am goin to cakap in bm..hurm...knapa? ntah daa...hehe

cbuk cni cbuk cna...ccb cene? hahahahaha well, blum siap! nth2x aku yg pling teruk. i only done the english part ok. hurm...insf delllllll....4 thn d sklh tetiba rs sdh nk pg sklh...y? yg pntg klo org tnya, smua jwpn = nth...bgus dell, bgs...teruskn klo mok mmpus laaa...adooooooiiii delllll what's happening???SPM is just on the corner...kat tepi tu jk,ccb pn x siap...ap kes? hidup tetiba berubah mnjadi gelap gelitaa, boring. x de smthng yg menguja diri? no readings, no watching, nothing this year...mmg blk sklh tin ksng laa thn dpn ni...

tp thn year end yg plg best jgk..y? czen smua blk. x smua laa of coz, but 89% dtg...syiok jgk... x hbs2x drng dtg time christmas ari tu...x putus2x...jrng jmpa czen dr brnei, kk pn blt jgk..tdr cni d rmh...ari tk, blt sdaa...tnsion plk...gonna miss them k...bkn slalu pn, rmh ksng. sunyi sepi....all hv gone bck, my sis is wrkin, dad workin...6 days left to spend this holiday. x caya kn? cuti yg di damba2xkn oleh smua insan yg brglr pljr. has come to an end. brsbr jk laa...

my dah nursing jingga..maren, rave dh nurse gurey. haha drng tk sdng mmbsr...lps ni, pg sklh, blt cni lg, dh x kenal aku dah... huhuhu.....sodih kn? but brsbr jk laa...

fsl at the church. to be honest. every time pg church this holiday. hati x prnah dlm kdaan normal. y? ntah. maybe bcoz, hurm, rasa guilty yg kian mengunung kdk g.knabalu. x ksh pn mun org x prasan, but aku prasan. x pg mrnin mass as usual. x pg holy hour. x ph snday mass. prent da x ksh sdah...weird. smkin jauh...time fr.J said "thanks to all the youth for all their hard work, and time,...". jantung mcm bhenti brdetak for 10 seconds! y? guilty punya fsl...but still, i hv reasons. though some will never menerima nya...

k. let me start. being pljr di sklh b'asrama. 70% of the year i'm not together with my family. so, slh besar duduk with family in church? huh? while 70% of the year, i'm not together with them. wlaupun, i'm still youth. beside, to think about it. average human hidup 80 years. korang duduk together with family smpe umur 10 sja? mmg x nak duduk with ur family. boring laa nnti korng jd parent rskn...children korang tinggalkn korang.  so, kpd para manager2x yg ckp blakang, ckp deil tu anak mnja, x brdikari, x actve di church, x ikut ini, tak ikut itu. please, don't judge others. rasional laa kn...puas klk duduk sorng2x...xkn lm jgk duduk with parents...20 years, 25 years...ok laa...then, fsl yg like to talk and comments on other. may God bless you. i'm sorry if my present is irritating you sight. smkin mmbuak buak hati korang mok comment fsl aku kn...hehe tak ksh i only hope that, korang rs korang bgs sgt, buat baik for the cahbucrdceh. but mun hati benci org sna cni...may God bless you...

problms coming back and forth..but deil, tabah.


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