Busy Life

Hey guys! miss me? nahhh i know you don't. but if you did. ... ... still it's impossible. okay. what i did so far? nothing.

wait. wait. wait. how come it's nothing??? it is the busiest life ever ok. and i have no car to go anywhere. it is absolutely crazy im not gonna lie. it is extremely hard man doing all these stuff without a transport on your own. but, i have no choice right. be independent elvin. independent. if you want a car, buy one yourself. which i absolutely can't. sad isn't? just wait. but i did lots of fun stuff too actually, aside from all these so called o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l stuff. i joined lots of activities. some nice. some not so. some made me puke so hard im not joking. i think i'm going to make some flashback today because i'm so lazy to post them on by one. but then this internet connection is full without the data transmit. and so i'll pass for today. 

p/s just reformat my old laptop, which is useless actually because the problem is the this old screen which i think the problem lies on the wire. which mean i can't see anything anymore sometimes. and when i searched for people who know this thing, all the IT students that i met don't know how to reformat laptop. they don't know. don't know. know. but didn't want to help this poor soul. then, i told one of my course member and he knows and he did, reformat it for me. for free. and so now i'm using this windows 8. and believe it or not. its faster compared to the old version that i used. windows 7 ultimate. even when i empty my laptop back then, it was so damn slow. but now. it's amazing. but yeah the problem lies on the screen. i'm not going to go and repair it. i'll just buy a new laptop if the screen turn lunatic again. 


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